March 10, 2011


So on Sunday night Peter and I were driving home from this said work party, and we drove by two people pushing a car up the hill.  I noticed them, but continued to drive right by them.  But as I was doing so I turned to Peter and said…"should we help them??  Should I turn around??  I mean who knows what is wrong with their car."  What I really meant was should HE help them - I mean what good am I when it comes to car antics?  And I know how much Peter loves me volunteering him for things (sarcasm noted!!)  So he of course considered the question, but replied by saying, "I am sure they are fine!" 

And I drove a little further and then turned to him and said…"but don't you feel a little obligated to stop??…I mean they obviously need help with something…wouldn't you want someone to stop for you??"  And he said…"sure…i guess, but we have helped our share of people in the past"…and then when he saw my face he quickly said, "turn around if you want!" 

And so I did...I knew that if I didn't I was going to go home wondering ALL night what had happened with them.  Turns out their battery had died, or so they thought, and they just needed another car to jump it.  They supplied the jumper cables and I supplied the car.  However, it didn't do the trick - so they thought it was the alternator.  Anyhow, we said our apologies, they said their thanks, and I even went so far as to ask if they needed to use our phone to call someone.  I mean WHO asks that??  Who doesn't have a phone these days!!???  But I just thought I would ask!  Anyhow, they said someone was coming for them...and Peter and I got into our car and drove away.

But I couldn't stop thinking about this idea of obligation...that night I did feel obligated.  I could have driven by and that would have been the easy thing to do.  But we stopped, and please don't think I am tooting my own horn because trust me there have been SOO many other moments where I have been the one to just drive by and assume someone else will help them.  But it isn't always safe to assume now is it??  I mean it was dark and late...and I could have hesitated because of those factors, but it was on a well lit street in a neighborhood, and let's not forget that my manly husband was with me.  So it felt safe...and I stopped. 

And I felt a Christian I am called to help those in need...I am called to care for my neighbors and for the least of these, and in that moment these people were those in need and they were the least of these as they struggled to push their car up the hill and off the road. 

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