March 23, 2011

Wedding Dress.

So as I have posted before - Peter and I are moving, which means we get to go through ALL of our items, weighing the cost and benefit of holding onto each item.  My wedding dress is an item that is NOT even up for discussion.  There will be absolutely no negotiating with this item and it will automatically go in the BENEFIT pile.  It will remain in my closet for who knows how long - just hanging on a hanger, taking up space, and probably changing color a bit.  I know I should probably take it to the dry cleaners to be cleaned and packaged up, but I can't justify spending that kind of money right now.  However, I can ALWAYS justify the space it takes up in the closet.

Truly though - what is a girl to do with her wedding dress after the day has past and the dress has served it's purpose?  I think I imagine my daughter or my son's bride wearing my dress some day and I know that may seem a little strange or highly unlikely, but there is a chance right?  And as long as there is a chance I will continue to hold onto it because I absolutely LOVE my wedding dress.  But then again doesn't every bride??  Well yes...but I mean I really LOVE mine, and it is SO simple, so what could someone possibly hate about it right?  And because I love it so much - I try it on occasionally, and force my husband to dance with me in it, while he proclaims, "I can't imagine anyone else tries their dress on more than you do!", and I insist..."I am sure SOMEONE does!"

I mean he makes it sound like I try it on every weekend and to be fair that is an exaggeration.  I would say every six months or so I pull it out of the closet, unzip the bag, pull out the dress and then finally slip it on...only to find that the zipper is hard to do when you are doing it yourself.  I prance around the apartment a little and remember that day 1.7 years ago on August 15, 2009 that I became Mrs. Drennan and Peter's wife!  So how could I ever get rid of the dress??  So much symbolism behind it all, but then again it is just a dress.

1 comment:

  1. I am still holding on to mine and I also haven't taken it to the dry cleaners to get boxed up......I just love looking at it from time to time and reminding myself of that magical day! :)


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