April 2, 2011


So tell me...how do you entertain yourself on a Friday night?  This past Friday was the first Friday in awhile that Peter and I didn't have anything planned!  I worked late and we didn't get home till around 8, which meant we had a late dinner.  But it was so good to be home and it felt even better to be in our new home, sitting on the couch, while watching a movie and stuffing our faces with stew and broccoli.

But sometime during the movie or after or maybe it was before my husband thought it would be amusing to  attempt a pushup with me lying on his back...so picture this Peter in pushup position and myself on top of him hanging on for dear life!  I couldn't stop laughing - truly, tears were streaming down my cheeks and my body was shaking, which then resulted in Peter laughing, which then ended up with a failed pushup attempt.  So he tried again, this time I wasn't allowed to laugh, but it was HARD - really, really, really hard, and he was successful, very successful.  So I suppose it was fair!

During this moment of laughter, tears and pushup attempts, I was reminded of how much fun Peter and I have together and I feel soo blessed that he is in my life!

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