November 25, 2011


I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!  I know I did.

I woke up fairly early to my husband reminding me that we were going to work out today. Now my kind of workout is very different from my husband's kind of workout.  Peter does Crossfit and if you don't know what that is then you should probably look into it.  Anyhow, it is HARD CORE and when I say hard core I really mean hard core.  EVERY SINGLE time I do a Crossfit workout I walk away with my body aching.  And I am always SO sore!

Well this time wasn't any different and may have actually been WORSE than all the others. We did lunges - lots of lunges... .25 miles worth of lunges, which doesn't mean much to me. I figured it would be easy.  I mean I don't do lunges ALL the time, but I can handle a few of them.  Well little did I know that .25 miles is probably like 200 lunges or something crazy like that.  And let's just say my body is feeling it today - now I know how it feels to be old and have aches in pains in places you never knew existed.

But all that aside, it was a beautiful way to start the morning.  However, in the moment I didn't really think so and about halfway through I was whining and complaining left and right.

"I don't think I can make it...I AM DYING!!"
"This is so hard - I don't do workouts like THIS!! You have to remember that."
"Cut me some slack...give me some grace.  THIS HURTS!"

You get the point right?

Well Peter wasn't going to have it...not on Thanksgiving he said!  (gosh I love this man!)

"Today was a day to be thankful - no whining or complaining today.  Be Thankful that you can do this.  Be Thankful that you are able to lunge around a track.  Some people couldn't run this distance.  Some people would love to be doing what you are doing.  So be thankful!"  (did I already say that I love this man??)

So what did I do...I pushed on, and I finished, and while he wasn't watching I may have walked a bit of the distance.  Don't judge.

And last night as we were going around the table saying things we were thankful for, I mentioned our morning workout.  Now I didn't mention the quality of my lunge performance or the fact that I walked a bit, but I did mention my whining and complaining and the beautiful way my husband put me in my place.

So with all that being said, when it came my turn to share, I simply stated that I am so very thankful for friends and family who hold me accountable to being the person I want to be.  I am thankful for friends that call me out on things and for a husband who isn't afraid to put me in my place and remind me of the things I should be thankful for every single day of my life and especially on Thanksgiving.

And some other things/people I am thankful for...

My Grandma - so thankful she is still ALIVE!

My brother - love this man so much!  He is looking for a wife - any takers?

And my husband of course - he is such a gem.  LOOK at that 'stache!

And so much food!  This was my brother's plate.

1 comment:

  1. oh lunges! i've done that many once before and i couldn't walk for about three days afterward!


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