February 5, 2010


I have been feeling extremely tired lately and a part of me feels as though my life is falling apart. I know it isn't but I just feel so worn out and unable to move forward. Unable to run those errands, buy those gifts, go to the grocery store, clean the apartment, do laundry, make the bed, ...maybe this has something to do with the fact that peter and i started crossfit on tuesday and im SOOOOOO sore. I am experiencing a soreness i have never before experienced. it hurts to breathe, it hurts to laugh, it hurts to talk, it hurts to drive, it hurts....and i feel broken. And i am reminded that my body is weak and even when my body is weak, my spirit must remain strong!

Ps. I wrote this blog post a few weeks ago and we have been doing crossfit for 3 weeks now and it is kicking my butt, but i have finally admitted that its kicking my butt in a good way! I still curse peter sometimes for signing me up before we go, but it is worth it! Last week I nearly died and thought my arms were going to fall off and all i wanted to do was cry, sounds amazing right? But i survived and lived to tell about it. and can't wait for Tuesday.

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