February 22, 2010

Graduation Celebration.

So I completed classes for my Masters program about 2 months ago, and we had a graduation dinner sometime in January at the Woodmark Hotel in Kirkland. It was wonderful to see my classmates again, however, the experience felt extremely surreal and it was very strange to think that it was all over. Classes were finished, papers were written, grades were posted. Now all I have left to finish is one stinkin' project and I cant seem to get myself motivated to even START it, but that's another entry for another day. The celebration was nice and my parents joined us which made it even better!

We had a few speakers and people shared their experiences. I for some reason couldn't get myself to get my butt out of my chair to share something and was really wishing i had come prepared to speak. All these thoughts came flooding into my head but i couldn't quite seem to make sense of it all...I thought back to when I first heard about the school at Mission Fest and how fitting the program was, to having to decide one program over the other, to the application process, to meeting with Dr. Inslee, to my first day of class which was also my first day on campus, to all my classmates, the wonderful memories, the way I was challenged by the material, my professors and my wonderful classmates. It was a delightful time...and even now I still find myself longing for a paper to write, longing for purpose with my reading material, longing for someone to discuss it all with, longing for someone to challenge my way of thinking and my way of living. And yet I feel as though I am mourning the death of a friend...I find myself yearning for school on Thursday nights...i know this time will pass, but thank you Jesus for this beautiful opportunity and for placing people in my life who inspire me to be a better friend, wife, daughter, and ultimately a better Christian.

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