November 8, 2010

Master's Completed!

So it has happened....I AM OFFICIALLY finished with my masters program and I officially have my Master's from Northwest University in International Care and Community Development. It was a wonderful program with some really wonderful professors, and to be honest I am a little sad it's all over. I will really miss writing papers and working on group projects! Some may think it's tireless work, but I find it all exhilarating! I loved our discussions and being exposed to different and new ways of thinking.

A few weeks ago I presented my final project to my classmates and my main professor, and it was such a joy to be amongst such kindred spirits who are passionate about such similar things. The program truly was such an amazing blessing and as I was compiling pictures and information for my final project I couldn't help but reflect on the past 2 years.

I couldn't help but reflect on my time in Africa as has been nearly 6 months since we left the African continent and I wonder what has changed in my own life from that month long experience? How are things different for me and the women I met? It is soo easy to forget...soo easy to forget their way of life, their lack of luxuries...and it is so easy to remember all of mine. But as I was putting together a video for my final project, I realized that these women, these people, these children and their stories are real and they will forever be a part of me regardless if I am in Africa, or here, in the states, or even in another country entirely!

My time in Africa taught me what it really means to live simply, to love abundantly, and to give graciously! I thought I had these things all figured out...but little did I know. I thought Peter and I already lived simply, but lo and behold to many Africans we lived lavishly - we had a car, even though we had just ONE car, we have a tv, eventhough we have just ONE tv, we tons of furniture, tons of clothes, shoes, eventhough we don't go shopping alot, we have money in our savings account..and I could go on, but I won't because I imagine you get the point. Well folks we do live lavishly and we are blessed abundantly whether we recognize it or is ALL about perspective. I know it is easy to get caught up in the mindset that we just want more...more...more ..and some more, but the reality is we could live with so much less...less...less. So why don't we??? Who cares what kind of car you drive...or how many cars you have? or how new your clothes are...who cares if you keep up with the latest fashion?? Who cares if you don't have money to go out to eat?? Or to buy that new computer?? I mean really...who cares! What we should be caring about is our own hearts...and our own people. I mean seriously there are people in our own country who are struggling financially. There are people without jobs and without homes...we have homeless people in the richest country in the world...i think something is wrong with this picture people!! And then you look to another country...or an entire continent...AFRICA and you see that thousands, millions are struggling to survive each and every day. How can we as children of God help those in need...those who are also His children? How can we reach out to those less fortunate than us whether thats those down the street or across the water?

Well I will finish my little rant by posting the video of the culmination of my final project for school. I wrote a grant proposal for Children of the Nations' Widows Program, which you can read about HERE , and please if you are interested in donating to the program or the work of Children of the Nations development programs click here or here..please don't hesitate to contact me! We have the capacity to make a difference ...but the question is you have the willing heart to do so??

check out the video here...and share it with others...tell them about Children of the Nations and the work that they do!!

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