December 26, 2010


Now I know Christmas has come and gone...but I just realized that I never posted a single thing about Thanksgiving or Halloween.  So is it alright that nearly a month has passed since thanksgiving and im just now getting around to writing about it??  I wanted to post some pictures as well…so here goes.

Our thanksgiving was nothing out of the ordinary to be honest, but we did get a delightful visit from my aunt, both grandmas and my grandpa.  Isn't it interesting to see how old people age My grandmas are only a year apart and both of them have a difficult time hearing and seeing...but one doesn't really want to admit it and she does a pretty good job of faking it!

This is Grandma Nancy.
This is Grandma Gladys.

I always love seeing my grandmas...especially my Grandma Gladys (dads mom).  Don't get me wrong I love both grandmas equally, but they are soo very different and my Grandma Gladys could just talk, talk, talk for hours and she has the BEST stories of God's faithfulness in her life.  So she walked in the door and she was just radiant, and I made sure I told her so!  I mean for some reason …amidst all the wrinkles and saggy skin she was just glowing and sooo beautiful with her pearl earrings and her sweet spirit.  It truly is such a joy to see her!  I mean this woman glows…she truly radiates the Lords love, mercy and grace.  She is a gem of a woman and I hope and pray that as I grow older I become more and more like her.   

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