January 29, 2011


As many of you know I love to write...but nothing is more encouraging to me and my writing than when people tell me they ACTUALLY read what I write!  And nothing makes a writers day more beautiful than when she receives encouraging posts and comments - well besides flowers, good wine, chocolate, and kisses from the husband of course.

So here is one of my latest.  She was responding to the Sweaty Palms post- encourager you know who you are!

"I read these verses and instantly this post came to my mind. Proverbs 31v 8-9. He chooses us, those who can speak up and make a change for those who have no voice. The sweaty hands are from Him and for His reasons. Stand up. Speak up. Alot of change could be made in our world if we all spoke up when he challenges us to, yet often we sit back and let others do it.

And the verse that she speaks of goes a little something like this...

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
     for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
     defend the rights of the poor and needy.
      Proverbs 31 v. 8-9 - New International Version

and these same verses in The Message go a little something like this...

Speak up for the people who have no voice,
     for the rights of all the down-and-outers.
Speak out for justice!
     Stand up for the poor and destitute!

I kind of like the way it is written in The Message, especially the bit about speaking OUT for Justice!

Anyhow there you have it..just a little bit for the day!  And remember encouragement goes A LONG WAYS!  I have been married for nearly 1.5 years now and this is something I am reminded of DAILY - encouragement goes a long ways.  Who can you encourage today??

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