January 27, 2011

Silent Racism.

This is a video made by a small group for a depth studies class at Quest Church, which is a wonderful church!  I ran across this video ages ago on the Quest website, and just recently searched for it again.  Watch it.  The group mentions that "We need to continually break the silence about racism whenever we can.  We need to talk about it at home, at school, in our houses of worship, in our workplaces, in our community groups."

What are your thoughts on silent racism and stereotypes?  Perhaps you aren't blatantly racist with your words, but what about your thoughts and your actions?  How did the video make you feel?  So many good things to think about...and talk about.  I hope you show this to family and friends, and I REALLY hope this video gets you talking about the things so many people just don't want to talk about!

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