February 17, 2011

A Book.

So one of my coworkers asked me a few days ago if I had ever thought about writing a book.  I immediately answered nope - not at all.  I followed up this response with quite a bit of an explanation. One of the reasons being I have a terrible time creating a story and creating characters and creating dialogue.   I would much rather write about myself and my own experiences.  Creativity is hard for me. And Creating dialogue is hard for me.  However, my coworker insisted that I could do dialogue because my posts are merely dialogue, but the difference is its MY own dialogue.  And writing about myself is easy for me, thus extremely enjoyable. 

Anyhow, she said I should think about writing fiction and if I am honest the whole conversation stayed with me a little bit longer than it probably should have.  And I couldn't stop thinking about it.  Have I ever thought about writing a book?  What the heck would I even write about in a whole book??  I mean I can handle short little blog posts, but a book.  Who would my characters be?  What would the story line be?  So many questions without any answers once again.

So I read this book awhile back called a Homemade Life by Molly Wizenberg (I promise there is a point to discussing this book) - she owns that pizza place Delancey's with her husband, which I have never been to by the way!  But this book, Homemade Life is about just that her life and within the pages she inserts some of her favorite recipes!  I didn't try any of the recipes, but I did devour the book, and I absolutely ADORED the way she wrote.  I want to write like that - with such honesty, wit, and passion.  I found myself wanting to be her, to know her, to meet her.  I found myself wanting to go to that restaurant simply because I wanted to SEE her.  Am I sounding like a stalker?  

Well don't worry, I didn't do any of those things, but I did check out her blog, Orangette, which is the cutest thing ever!  She started the blog in 2004 and it became so popular, and now over 6 years later - she has a blog, a book, a monthly column in Bon Appetit, and a husband she met through her blog! 

So the bottom line is...IF and I say IF not WHEN I write a book I want it to be kind of like hers - with my life and my experiences coming together to make a witty, enjoyable tale.

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