February 9, 2011

He Leaves Again.

Well I dropped Peter off at the airport on Monday night.  I must say I love airports because they represent an adventure, a journey - something to look forward to!  But I'm not a huge fan of saying goodbye to my husband when HE is the only one going on that said adventure. Anyhow he will be in the Dominican Republic for 11 days for work. Let's just say I wasn't the only one a little sad to be going and I had to reassure Peter countless times that he LOVES the Dominican Republic - he loves the culture, the language, the people, the food, but he insists he would love it all EVEN more if I was with him.

Needless to say the goodbye at the airport was anticlimactic considering we had spent the last few hours blubbering about how we were going to miss each other and praying to the Lord God to protect the other and to give me strength to get through the next week!!  And even though I know we can both survive without the other, it doesn't make the goodbye any easier.

I can't remember the last time we were apart for this long...11 days seems like FOREVER.  And I know some of you may think I am rather silly and yes the time will go by fast, I know, but still it's a long time to be apart when you are so use to being together - when you love being together.

I mean so many of my friends, coworkers and family members can attest to the fact that Peter and I talk numerous times a day whether in person or on the phone.  And we love spending time together!

Anyhow, enough about all that, I was on the phone with one of my dearest friends a few nights before Peter's departure, and we were talking about our husbands leaving us (her's for India and mine for the D.R.).  She was talking about how she was getting emotional thinking about saying goodbye and I mentioned how I totally understand!!  And in that moment I just said to her thank GOD we are going to miss them.  Thank God that we realize that they add so much joy to our lives!!  I mean how terrible would it be if we were like "YES they are leaving..we can have our old life back and schedule all sorts of things with other friends finally!!"  The reality is we both love being married and we love the lives we have created with our husbands, esp. the little things - waking up together, morning chats and morning hugs, talking throughout the day, having dinner together, doing activities together, and night time chats in bed.  We are both so blessed to have husbands that rock our worlds every single day!

Anyhow, the night before Peter left we had a special moment that consisted of us both crying (sorry Peter!! and don't worry we had our clothes on!!) and praying to God to protect the other - I was just overwhelmed with how blessed he and I are by our love for each other.  My love for him runs SOO deep.  We have a marriage that I always dreamed of having, but sometimes its hard to realize how good it is when you are IN it.

So since he is gone 11 days he will be missing Valentines day.  But we bought each other little cards to open on the actual day...and mine said something silly like (I can type this here because Peter rarely reads the blog!!) even if our days consists of ordinary things like making dinner, taking the garbage out..blah blah blah ..our love is anything BUT ordinary and it's the best part of my life.  And it's true, and I must admit I am getting a little teary eyed even as I type this!  The Lord blessed me so abundantly when he brought the Irish man into my life on July 3, 2004 - little did I know what HE had in store for the two of us, but it sure is something beautiful and I feel so blessed to be a part of it!

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