February 27, 2011

Hit and Run.

Someone hit our car tonight.  Don't worry, we weren't in it.  But it still doesn't take away the anger or the unfortunateness of it all.  We had just finished having a nice dinner with my family and were on the look out for our car in the parking garage.  We caught a glimpse of a car where ours should have been and I declared it was our car, while Peter hesitated.  I checked out the license plate and declared again - this was our car!  But Peter still hesitated because this car had a clean, white smudge on it and the side panel was dented in - this couldn't be our car could it?  Because our car was dirty all over and didn't have any dents in it.  At least it didn't when we left it.  But this car had the same parking stickers on it and a good to go pass on the window.  And then the reality finally set in - this was our car, but our car now had a newfound dent on the side.  And the lucky person who hit our car was really lucky because they didn't leave any way for us to contact them!
The dent didn't look like much and the damage seemed fairly small, but not small enough for someone to get into the passenger side door!!  We could barely open the door and let's just say that the person getting into the car through the passenger door must be a really itty bitty person.  So instead of riding beside each other in the car, I played chaffauer to Peter as he sat in the back of the car, on the phone with the insurance company.
NOTE to self and all of you reading - LEAVE A NOTE IF YOU HIT SOMEONE!!  It just isn't right, fair or just to hit a car and leave the car owner to pay for it ALL!!

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