March 10, 2011

Forgive me.

Forgive me for posting so many times in one day.  People keep telling me they can't keep up with all my posts, and I keep telling them that I can't keep up with my fingers, and I type and post before I really have a chance to think about what I have actually written.

So forgive me.  But this one will be short.  I left work a little early today to run a few errands before picking Peter up at 5:15 and I am sitting here now at 7:15 amazed at how much I accomplished in such a short period of time.

Here is the run down of events.

Left work at 3:30.  Made it to the U-Village just before 4.  Stopped in at Victoria Secret to redeem a little voucher I had for a free pair of panties (too much information?? sorry?) Had an appointment at the Apple Store for them to replace the panel on my computer at 4.  Had another appointment nearby at 4:15.  Left said appointment at 4:37. Made it back to the Apple Store to pick up computer - waited around for a bit. Made it to Anthropologie for 4:45.  Tried on skirt in a different size and exchanged one I had purchased.  Left Anthro at 5:02.  Made it to Peter's work by 5:08.  Left my phone at home this morning - and waited until 5:22 for my darling husband to arrive.

And I must say I am pretty excited about my new items (the undies, the computer panels, and the skirt...especially the skirt)!!  And the best part about it ALL is that I didn't actually spend ANY money today.

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