May 24, 2011

Another Interview.

So I received a phone call this morning from an unknown number.  And let's just say I don't answer my phone when it's an unknown number.  So the phone rang and rang and rang and then eventually the person left a voicemail.  I was hoping it was regarding one thing in interview for a certain job with World Concern and it WAS!!

The woman that left the message was SO nice and after listening to it I couldn't wait to call her back!!  But knew I was going to have to hold off on that phone call as soon as my phone beeped to kindly inform me that my battery was of course dying!  Perfect timing right?

So I called her as soon as I had access to another phone and ended up leaving a message with some possible interview times!  And then she emailed me with an interview confirmation date!

People I am excited about this.  I have had my eye on this position for nearly an entire month.  And I have been anxiously awaiting a phone call to set up an interview.  I even went so far as to email someone to say that I would be honored to simply interview for this particular position.  So yes, I am excited, but the reality is I would be even MORE excited if it was full-time instead of part-time and I would be even MORE excited if I knew what the actual pay rate was! 

So next Wednesday I will be venturing BACK to the CRISTA campus, parking in the same spot as last time, walking through the same double doors, checking in with the same receptionist, only this time I will be interviewing with a different person for a different position within a different ministry.

This whole entire job/interviewing process has been so very humbling and a true test to my patience.  I am reminded time and time again that my identity is not in my job...and it has almost turned into my daily identity is not in my identity is not in my get the point right?  But it is identity is not in my job.  My identity is in Christ and my job does not define who I am!  Yes, it does fill a good chunk of my day, but it does not define me.  Thank goodness for that right??

So I continue to wait...and wait ...and wait for the Lord to open doors and I continue to pray...and pray...and pray for patience and perseverance to keep on keeping on even when I feel slightly down and discouraged because I know there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

So stay tuned.

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