May 17, 2011

A full year.

So much can happen in one year...there is life, there is death, there is joy, there is pain.  A single year passes us by so quickly.  And as I enter into the month of May - I can't help but think about what I was doing this time last year.

Last May Peter and I left Seattle for a whole month, and took off on a plan to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams.  I can't remember a time I didn't desire Africa.  I have yearned for this place as long as I can remember and truly can't remember a time in my life when that yearning didn't exist.

So it has been a year...a full year, and I wonder what I have to show for that?  What have I done in this year to benefit the lives of others...of those that I met one year ago?  What have I shared...what have I held back..what have I reflected upon?  How have I changed in a year and how did this experience change me?

So to mark the FULL year I spent the morning at the Children of the Nations meal marathon event selling items made by the widows and sharing with people about the program.  Now THIS I love and THIS I can do!  We have sold their items at 2 events and have made nearly $500!  And all the money is going into the Widows fund.  Isn't that so very exciting?  I mean if we sell enough of their stuff imagine the things they can do within the program.  They have so many hopes and dreams for this program and the lack of funding stands in their way...but imagine if we sold tons of their created things at various city markets and events here in the states!  Imagine what a difference it could make...

the setup!
Peter The Salesman!  He truly is so good at it, and the customers (mainly women) loved him.
So even though it has been a full year since I first stepped onto African soil - that soil, those emotions, and my love for those people will forever remain in me, and the challenge then is figuring out how to make an impact for THEM in Malawi and Uganda while physically being in Washington. 

So if you have any venue ideas, or business ideas, or marketing ideas...please send them my way!!  I am all ears and so very open to any and all suggestions you want to throw my way.

Click HERE to learn more about the Widows Program.

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