May 16, 2011


Last night (Saturday) I fell asleep to the sound of the rain and this morning (Sunday) I woke up to the sound of the rain.  I love the sound of rain - did you know this about me?  I am not a huge fan OF rain itself, but I love the sound it makes as it lands hard upon a surface and I suppose we need rain to have the lush, green state that we do.  And we need rain for our plants, grass, trees, vegetables, etc, to grow!

So as much as I slightly despise the rain, I also find tremendous comfort in it.  I mean let's be honest if many, many moons passed without a single drop of water falling from the sky I think we would all be a little shocked and maybe even a little disappointed.  I mean imagine how dry everything would be.  It wouldn't be Washington without the rain, it would be dry and deserty just like Arizona and that would be just terrible right?  

I know many Seattleities and Western Washingtonians swear that it doesn't rain much here, but let's be honest - we all know that we definitely get our fair share of rain!  But like I said before, I find comfort in the rain.  So I really don't mind it.  Rain reminds me of home...the smell and the sound of it take me back to a special place no matter where I am.

And I loved falling asleep to the rain last night - I was all cozy under the covers  and feeling so very thankful that I was inside and dry, with all the blankets covering my body, protected by the roof over my head.  When it rains, I can't help but think about all those without the roofs over their heads.  I can't help but think about all those who are without blankets, shivering in the cold, wet weather. 

I loved last night (Saturday).  I loved hearing the sound of the rain land heavily upon the roof…pitter patter…pitter patter.  There is such rhythm to it all - such rhythm in the downpour.  A rhythm that I fell asleep listening to last night…and to be honest - I am slightly sad that I am not falling asleep to it tonight.  

So instead of the rhythm of the rain, I will have to make due with rhythm of Peter's breathing…but let's be honest, it's not quite the same.

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