July 1, 2011

Pay it Forward.

Do you remember the movie Pay it Forward?  Where someone does one good deed for someone and then that someone pays the deed forward and does a good deed for another?  And do you remember the whole thing at Starbucks where people were buying the drink for the car behind them?

Well I was never a recipient of said coffee drink, but I have heard stories from those lucky recipients.  And I suppose I should say that I have been tremendously blessed simply by hearing the stories of how people have been blessed by another.

And then the time finally came for me to witness this blessing by another firsthand, and let me tell you it left me inspired and encouraged. 

So it went a little something like this.  Someone called the salon wanting to pay for her sister's haircut.  The best part was that her sister hadn't left yet and her sister's son was sitting right in front of me!  When I asked the woman on the phone what the occasion was she simply said..."Just tell her I love her!"  Wow...I was truly floored, there wasn't a reason, she just wanted her sister to know that she loved her.  She just wanted to bless her.

And bless her she did.  When the woman came up front to pay for her appointment, I simply told her, with the biggest smile plastered across my face, that it had all been taken care of...by her sister.  And I was to tell her that she loved her!!  The woman was nearly as floored as I was...and she just kept saying, "Really?? Really?? Oh my..."  And her son was like.."WHAT??...When did she call?...How did she know?"

Oh their emotions and slight confusion simply overwhelmed me and I was overflowing with joy!

I left work that day feeling so blessed to have witnessed this gracious act on both ends.  And the whole thing left me inspired - inspired to bless someone in such a beautiful and surprising way and inspired by the generosity of others.

This beautiful act humbled me beyond words.  So often I think I have nothing to give.  But I have realized over time that giving isn't always about money.  It could be your time?  your food? your house? your love?  We can bless people in so many ways, and quite often we limit it to what we can give financially.  But maybe we should begin to think outside the money box?  Because if we stay within the money box than so many of our gifts, talents, and skills go completely unused.

So tell me...How have you been blessed by another this past week...this past month...this past year?  And how can you pay that blessing forward? 

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