September 14, 2011


I have so many things I want to write about, but all I can bring myself to write about is tonight.  
Tonight I kindly informed Peter that I would not be helping him in the yard.  Sounds a little selfish I am sure, but if you had any idea what the past 6 nights have looked like I don't think your thoughts would be going there.  We have spent every single night out in the yard for reasons yet to be written about.  So instead of doing yard work, I was doing work inside the house.
But this post isn't about the yard or the house.  This post is about the tears that were streaming down my face.  
I talked to a dear friend on the phone tonight.  It was only for a short while, but our phone conversations are always extra special considering she doesn't live around here anymore.  Thus, the phone is all we have, and it was an extra special conversation because she was getting ready for a date.  
And she was giggly and so excited, and as I uttered words of encouragement and well wishes, I found myself holding back tears.  And as soon as we said our goodbyes, the tears started streaming.  
And I guess I was making enough noise for Peter to hear me all the way outside!  And he poked his head in the door and called me over to him.  He wrapped his arms around me which only made the tears stream faster down my cheeks.  And it took me ages to utter these three simple words…"I miss her!"  
I miss her.  
I miss her laugh.  
I miss her spirit.  
I miss seeing her beautiful face.  
I miss her hugs.  
I miss hearing about her day and her job.
I miss talking about boys and dates.
I miss picking out outfits for said dates and then recapping said date bit by bit by bit.
Basically, I miss knowing EVERY little bit about her life.
And even though I do miss her - I find myself thankful, so very thankful for such a dear friend that I can shed tears over.  
And the best part about it all is that I get to see her in October and that makes me smile.

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