March 18, 2012


I can NOT believe it has been two full weeks since I posted something on the blog.  And as it is Sunday afternoon already, I figured I should get on it!  I have been having blogging withdrawals.  I have been cranky and whiny and extremely reluctant to do anything.  All I want to do is write...all I want to do is type...all I want to do is take time to reflect on the week's happenings, and I haven't had time to do that.  And I can tell.  It is slightly shocking to me to see how much that affects my day to day life.

My caring and compassionate husband has been extremely task oriented lately.  He is fairly task oriented but normally I win that title without even having to truly compete with him.  He has all sorts of projects he is working on and he has needed a helper for the majority of those projects.  And guess who his helper has been??  ME!  And I have been so reluctant to help him, and trust me, I haven't been shy to hide that!  I mean I don't kick and scream, but I might as well...maybe my reluctance is displayed more through my nonverbal cues and my true reluctance to put my shoes on, bundle up with a coat, and step outside.  All I want to do is stay inside and clean the house and fold laundry...and WRITE.  That's not too much to ask is it?  (These are usually the exact words out of my mouth every single time he asks for my assistance with something - isn't that just terrible?)

And the reality is...I have a hard time serving him when I haven't been able to serve myself first.  I mean if he just gave me an ENTIRE day to write and read, then maybe I would be willing to help him for an hour of that ENTIRE day.  Sounds so selfish doesn't it?  Probably because it is!

I mean the poor guy is doing stuff around OUR house - not HIS house, OURS, and I can't seem to serve him and help him with a grateful heart.  That's pretty ugly if you ask me.

So yes, I have been absent these past few weeks from the blogging world, and I have been truly suffering from withdrawals, but God has been faithful and He has been refining me within those ugly moments and my husband has been so gracious.  Thank GOODNESS for that!

Stay tuned this week - I have all sorts of pictures, projects, recipes and thoughts I have been simply DYING to post!

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