December 22, 2012

Little Buddy: 31 weeks!

I have been meaning to post this for days now, but things have been a little crazy here!  However, I wanted to make sure I posted this before LB turned 32 weeks.  So here goes...

Let's just say I'm not a huge fan of this photo, but I think my husband is getting pretty tired of the weekly prego shots in the kitchen.  This was taken after my work Christmas party last Monday, and let's just say that top has gone to the back of my closet, which is basically where it came from.  My belly was hanging out all day, definitely not a good look!

We had two ultrasounds this week, which I think is a record for us!  One with my mom and the other one at the hospital.  And LB is on the small side.  His head is still measuring a little big - by just a few days now and his little body is small.  The doctor said he's not surprised his legs aren't all that long after meeting his parents! :)  Nice way of saying we aren't the tallest of people.

So on Monday, LB weighed 3 lbs. 1 oz, roughly, and on Wednesday he weighed 3 lbs 5 oz.  The chaos the past few days has truly allowed us to see just how much we love this little guy already.  And I will save the chaos post for another day.  So stay tuned!

They say that baby is now the size of a pineapple.  Crazy to think I have a pineapple sized baby in my belly.  He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump up.  All 5 of baby's senses are fully developed and he's getting smarter!  And they also say that  moms-to-be find themselves acting absentmindedly during their third trimester - just ask my husband if this is holding true for his wife.  I think the man just thinks I don't listen to him...but I keep telling him I just forgot, or I can't hear him, etc.  Baby is going through major brain and nerve development and his eyes now react to light!

We had our first childbirth preparation class, and I think the husband started to see just how blessed we have been with this pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong, I'm tired, and my iron levels are low, and I'm just NOW starting to get some upper back pain, not lower (strange..I don't know??).  I'm sleeping fine, and I still do have a bit of heartburn, but nothing that's extremely terrible.  And I'm only sleeping with one extra regular pillow rather than 5!  I am definitely more out of breath these days, but I don't have leaky boobs (TMI??) and I haven't experienced any Braxton Hicks contractions, at least not that I know of.

I have been saying for ages that I thought pregnancy was suppose to be more of an inconvenience, and let's just say I finally experienced my first inconvenience this past week when we canceled our flights to Ireland Tuesday night due to baby's situation.  Let's just say, we are going to have a little buddy in our home a bit sooner than we had anticipated, perhaps 5 weeks sooner!  Baby is good - moving around alot, but he's just not as giant as they would like him to these next few weeks will be telling as to his arrival plans.  Keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I promise to write more!


Malia and LB

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