March 7, 2013

Mr. Gassy Pants.

I ran across this new blog today - Mommyshorts - and I'm so glad I did because I spent half of my day reading her posts. And this woman literally had me laughing out loud - I mean deep, belly laughing!  And it was this post and this post (Acid Reflux: Newborn Enemy #1) that really got me going.

See her daughter Harlow has some digestive issues and eating doesn't help the problem - only makes it worse, and it just leaves her fussing and grunting like an old man.  And when she would share her situation with someone, they would say.."oh it's really tough when a baby has colic!" but she believed it wasn't colic.  Harlow was crying after she ate not for the sake of crying but simply becuase it hurt her!  And sure enough, her daughter was diagnosed with acid reflux, which also explained all the spitting up.

And let's just say I can fully relate to her comments.  Jack has had some digestive issues of his own lately!  And he has been so fussy, and there was one day where I panicked and said to Peter..."What if he has colic?"  I mean I suppose there are worse things that could happen, but right about now that tops the list!

His grunting, especially in the middle of the night, has me pulling my hair out!  His squirming, grunting, and overall fussing wakes me up in the middle of the night, and it's always like an hour after we feed him.  So not only am I waking up to feed him and to pump, but I'm also waking up to his grunting noises.  Bless that boy.  The sad thing is...he's so uncomfortable and in so much pain and it hurts to see him like that.

And I'm pretty sure Jack has a legitimate reason for his fussing and grunting considering his fussing and grunting always ends in burps and farts.  And the process to get there is just devastating!  He gets so tense and stretches out his legs and curls them up and grunts and stretches his legs out again and grunts some more.  And you know, just by watching him, that he is just working things through his system - poor Mr. Gassy Pants!  And let's just say that this little man could probably beat his dad in a belching and farting contest - who would have thought right?

Anyhow, I couldn't just stand back and watch without trying to solve the grunting problem, and let's be honest, a girls gotta sleep at night.  My friend Amy suggested gripe water - well that sounded like a great idea, however, the back of the package says baby must be a month old.  And then that left me Jack a month old?  I mean according to this birthdate he's a month old, but his due date was just a few weeks ago.  Is his digestive system a month old?  Silly question I know, but these are the questions that flood my thoughts.

And considering I didn't have any answers, I decided to call his pediatrician and spoke with a nurse who said he could take gripe water, gas drops, or I could change my diet and cut out dairy, chocolate, nuts, and caffeine.  And I thought...Hmm, I suppose I should stop drinking this delicious cup of coffee right now then.  And did the nurse realize what she was asking of me?  I mean did she want to examine my diet and see what I had been eating the past few days...maybe then she would realize how hard this was going to be!!

And at that moment I had a conversation with myself...and I literally thought maybe we should just try the gas drops. That's the easy way out right?  Then I don't have to change anything.  But what if that's not enough ...and wasn't the sacrifice of those cherished items worth it for the sake of my son?  The answer is obviously yes!  So I went to the store and bought gas drops and began the process of cutting things out of my diet.

Let's just say Jack's gas is better, and I have no idea if it's the gas drops or the lack of items in my diet.  But I do know that I have cheated a bit (okay maybe alot)...a little bit of cheese, a little butter on the toast, a little bit of cheese, a little bit of chocolate, a little bit of cheese...yes, I absolutely love my cheese!  All that being said, I'm thinking it's the gas drops!  Probably because I want to think the gas drops are helping him.  I don't want to tink that it truly is the diary in my diet that is giving him the name Mr. Gassy Pants.

Any moms have input on the matter?

Until next time.



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