July 9, 2014

Checking My White Privilege.

Well folks, I really should be doing some work before I go to bed, but instead I found myself reading a particular blog post that got my heart racing...and not for a good reason. My palms were sweaty and I was angry, so guess what I did...I left a comment on the blog! Let's just say I NEVER do this kind of thing - normally I read things and will just fly under the radar simply as an observer rather than a participant, and I'm comfortable with that role. I may share an article or blog post or two, but very rarely do I actually leave a comment on the actual blog post!

However, as I said above, this one left my heart racing and my body shaking and I was angry.

So I wanted to save it to this place and share it with all of you - and I am curious as to what your perspective may be on this white privilege Matt Walsh writes about. Please comment, I encourage it!

Read his post first - it's rather long, but I'm curious as to what your initial response is to his thoughts. I should say he is a young, white male and a reader is calling him privileged. This is his response to that claim.

And this was my response to his post...there was SOO much more I could have written, but who writes even THIS much in a blog post comment?

"I wasn't going to read this...and then I did. And I must say, my heart is racing and I am left baffled and simply angry. I love the Lord with my whole heart, mind and soul, and I believe you do as well Matt. So please know we are coming from the same belief in the same God. Please know that I write this with a deeply humbled heart.

I should start off by saying I am a 31 year old white female who was raised in a privileged home...I can say that now because I've come to recognize my privileges whether it's based on my families financial standings or the color of my skin. I don't deny it anymore.

I used to be just like you in my "privilege" thinking...how dare someone say I'm privileged. They don't know me. How dare they assume such things...affirmative action pah...everything should be equal ...how dare non minorities be discriminated against because of their race.

And 9 years ago...everything changed. I was surrounded by this topic of race and culture for 3 months while in college and guess what folks...I was the minority. The majority of my classmates were non whites, and let me tell you my world as I knew it was rocked. Because I listened to them...I listened to them share about this white privilege that I possessed. And at first I found myself discrediting their thoughts...and trying to justify why they felt a certain way. The reality was...this is how they felt. And who am I to say that those feelings are wrong or invalid. And so I watched them shed tears and bare their hearts. And the things they shared are things I have NEVER dealt with.

Read this to find out more about those privileges, advantages, assets - that I was completely oblivious to.

In your post You write...

"You can’t tell somebody else about their experiences, all you can do is listen when they tell you. But you aren’t listening, are you?"

And when I read this Matt, I thought are you? Are you really listening to this girl, Kira...are you really listening to those you come across who may not be white...have you heard their hearts? Have you asked them this question about privilege?

In your post you ask the question...

"Can you name me one particular right or immunity that I possess and you do not? What is one specific and tangible benefit that white males universally enjoy, while all other people are deprived of it?"

I have an answer for this...it's a silly one, one I personally had never thought of until someone opened my eyes to see it...and it's not specific to white MALES per se, but just white people in general - We can choose blemish cover or bandages in “flesh” color and have them more or less match our skin.

And I think the thing with benefits is that so many of them we just don't see because we are living into those benefits...they are our norm.

I truly appreciated Joe Beverstein's comment below....thank you for this Joe!

White privilege does not mean that you have it easy if you are white. It simply means that you tend to have certain advantages if you are white (and also male) and live in America. Life is hard for all, but white people in America do tend to have certain advantages (i won't use the "p" word) that minorities don't have. It does not mean that you don't work hard, it does mean that you live in a country that has always given priority to the white race (to say the least).

And with that Matt, I humbly encourage you to listen to the stories of other people. You may be surprised by what they share.

I thank you Matt for posting this and simply reminding me of my benefits and advantages. I leave incredibly humbled tonight. And I praise God for your willingness to write about things that are controversial. I may not agree with your thoughts in this case, but I appreciate you nonetheless."

And with that I signed off...and my heart stopped racing. And I was able to truly let go...


  1. Good job for commenting! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said to him! You don't choose to have white privilege, you just have it. I am so thankful for those around me who opened my eyes to that truth because I wasn't buying into it for a long time either.


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