October 12, 2011


So another one of my dear friends gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last Saturday.  And what a blessing she is!  Mom and baby are doing great!

I visited this friend in the hospital the day after the baby arrived, and little Audrey Mae was not only precious, but she had a TON of hair!  And it was so beautiful to see the deep love Audrey's parents already have for her…and she was only a day old.  

I can only imagine how they will feel in a month or even a year.  And I walked away from there wanting to experience this love for myself…wanting a baby of my own.

So what did I do with this new found knowledge?  You would think I would have called my husband, but instead I called my mom.  I simply asked how she would respond if I told her Peter and I were going to start trying for a baby!  And she replied just as I hoped she would…"I can't wait to be a grandma!  But you just have to make sure you are really ready - financially, emotionally, etc."   And my response to her response, "Are you ever fully ready?  I mean can you ever be fully prepared for the arrival of a baby?"

And my own response to my own question is that I don't think you can be.  I don't think you are ever fully ready.  I mean I do believe that certain times may be better than others to have a baby…for instance, I think it is wise to be married, but I don't think there is ever going to be a truly IDEAL time.

I should have prefaced this whole post by stating that Peter and I are by no means trying for a baby.  And I should also state that when I came home from the hospital visit, I proudly declared that I wanted a baby of our own.  And how did Peter respond to this new revelation you ask?  Well…He laughed.

He laughed perhaps out of nervousness or maybe it was pure amusement with his wife?  Or maybe he truly does think the idea of him being a dad is funny...and I am okay with that.  It is hard to imagine yourself as a parent when you aren't one...yet.  And I know we both hope and pray that the Lord blesses us with children SOMEDAY, and we both know we would love to have children SOMEDAY, but what does this SOMEDAY actually look like?  I came home wanting to talk logistics about baby making and all Peter could do was laugh.  But his laughter is truly contagious and it was so joyful...and before I knew it I was laughing too!  

I am sure the day will come when we have one of our own and we are called blessed.  But in the meantime, I am blessed with an AMAZING new job!  And I can't wait to write ALL about it tomorrow.


  1. I know the feeling perfectly! My hubs & I are enjoying our first year of marriage immensely and always talk about "one day" having kids... but for now we're alright with the way things are too:)

  2. Chris and I brought them dinner last night and now he's hounding me for another one! I'm almost ready to give in. Audrey is so stinking cute!


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