October 18, 2011

The Car.

Sometimes you can get what you want - you just have to ask for it!

These are Peter's words and I can't take much credit for all that is to follow.

But before we start - Everyone meet Peter.  And everyone meet Peter's new car, The Rattleshake.

Peter refers to this new car as The Rattleshake.  It was named The Rattler by the previous owners, thus we felt it appropriate to keep a portion of it's original name, but Peter wanted to make it his own, hence the new name, Rattleshake.

And now in Peter's words.

Life can be weird, life can be hard and sometimes life can be so surprising.  I guess I could go on and on and on and give you a long elaborate story, but I won't.  See Malia got a new job, which is great, but she is unable to drive me around chauffeur style.

We played around with the idea of getting a scooter, but then looked out the window for longer than 5 minutes and realized that it rains a lot in Seattle!  Then we thought about buying another car, but could we really afford a second car?  We would have to buy it, repair it, insure it, put gas in it...and the list goes on right?

But all these questions and concerns go straight out the window when God says, "Hey, here is a free car.  It's nothing fancy, but it's yours for the taking!"

My words now - Isn't that AMAZING??  See, Peter and I had been doing research on scooters and cars, but we never thought to truly start praying for one, nor did we think we should mention our prayer and desire to others.  So Peter sent an email out to a few key people in our lives (just 3) on a Wednesday night asking them if they knew of anyone selling a car or wanting to get rid of one.  We knew it was a long shot, but it doesn't hurt to ask right?  We figured we had nothing to lose - and we just wanted to let our need be known.  So he receives a text message from one of the key people on Thursday night saying he had a car for us!!  Are you kidding me??  Peter and I were literally laughing out loud - truly thinking it was some kind of sick joke.  But guess what?  It wasn't - it was real!

And now in Peter's words.  So we scored a free car, a 1992 Toyota Paseo.  And pretty soon after some minor fixes I will have my own car.  Like I said sometimes God gives you exactly what you ask for and when you need it the most.

And the lesson in this story is that you have nothing to lose when it comes to prayer, thus don't be afraid to pray bold prayers.  God definitely has the power to answer them.  Also, if you make your need known to your community things can happen and people can be blessed.

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