October 19, 2011

The Yard.

Lately, I have been seriously intrigued by our yard.  I mean things are growing, particularly the grass, but more than that, it has been a beautiful reminder of God's creation.  I mean our grass is growing and it's so lush and green and then we have all sorts of vegetables that continue to grow.  And maybe sometime in the future we will even have chickens, and then eventually maybe a dog or a real life human being!  Who knows.

And as we enter into this fall season, I am reminded of the growth and the change that happens not only in our own lives, but also with the seasons.  We have Fall - the leaves change colors and eventually fall to the ground, leaving the trees barren, and then we have Winter and it's just cold and wet and rainy and slightly dreary, and then Spring comes and glimpses of sun and new life spring up from the ground.  

I can't wait for Spring and for everything to bloom to life again, but in the meantime I am enjoying the season God has me in.  Plus, I love Fall - the colors, the clothes, and those crisp sunny days.  

And I also love documenting the various stages of our yard.  Boy has this been a work in progress!  I can officially say we are nearly there - praise the Lord!
Our yard - before we were the official owners - so I suppose in all honesty it wasn't our yard quite yet!
Peter's attempt at patching the divets and holes in the ground.  Note bushy stuff on left side near fence and the red bark on right.  
Before it was all dug up and the hydroseed was laid.
Isn't it lovely??
And look at it now - 3 weeks in.  Impressive huh?

The rest of the tomatoes.  Trying to get them to change colors.
Look at what we are growing!  Isn't it amazing?  Broccoli, beets, carrots.

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