November 9, 2011


So being married to an Irishman has many perks, and one of those lovely perks is that various things have different names.  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone according to my husband and where he comes from is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and then there's the film The Professional (remember that one with Natalie Portman) - well we, Americans, call it this, but according to my husband and where he comes from it's actually called Leon.

So yes, books and movies have various names in our household - I can accept that.  But what I can't accept is that games, board games, particularly Clue, which is one of my favorite games, is known by another name according to my husband and where he comes from.  So instead of just calling it CLUE, I suppose they have decided that CLUE just isn't sufficient, they have added a DO at the end there - making it Cluedo (pronounced Clue-dough).

See...Interesting isn't it?

But what is really interesting is that Peter despises this game.  This poor game sits unused and unloved on our game shelf, and it is just begging to be used.  But Peter just can't bring himself to enjoy this game with his darling wife - so we end up reaching past that one for another.

But what happens when a darling, young girl smiles brightly, eyes twinkling, and begs the question, "Do you want to play Clue?"

Yep, you guessed it - Peter caved.  And guess what, I wasn't the least bit offended, but I probably would have been if he would have said no to her!  Mainly because I was going to play with or without him, and  I didn't want him to be the odd one out - the Clue hater that he is.   So he said yes, but that doesn't mean that I didn't take the opportunity to throw him under the bus and loudly declare that he doesn't really like that game and that I can never get him to play with me!  But I truly had good intentions - I just wanted this darling, young girl and her parents to know that this simple act and his simple response was a really big deal for him!  And Peter found the whole situation extremely amusing.

I think Peter just has a hard time strategizing and keeping track of everything and that's probably why he isn't a HUGE fan of the game.  And then there's me and that's probably why I love it so much!  At one point in the game I guessed Ms. Peacock, in the Billiard Room with the revolver, and because we had an interesting number of players we had two cards that were sitting out.  One of those cards was the revolver, which I knew, but Peter turned to me, slightly perplexed, and asked "Why did you guess that?  The revolvers right there - we know no one has it!"  And I just smiled and silently kept to myself, and he sat back in his chair and mumbled a little something under his breath, "OHH...Strategy! It's part of your strategy.  I get it."

Gosh I love that man.  Unfortunately neither of us won, but we had a grand 'ol time - so grand that I even suggested we play another game, but I was the only one interested in that and CLUE just doesn't work with one person.

Happy Wednesday!

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