November 9, 2011


Peter (my husband for those of you who don't know his name already) has a new blog!!

And guess what the title is??

Yep, you guessed it...Yousustain.

You probably thought I misspelled my own blog title, but I didn't.  It was intentional, and please note that I am slightly bothered by misspellings in blogs and I am a humongous fan of spellcheck.  But I suppose it doesn't automatically spellcheck the title, now does it?

Anyhow, enough about that, I finally convinced the man to start a blog.  I am all over him about posting things on this one, but he decided he just wanted to do his own thing and wave his own flag.  And I suppose I am okay with that.  I mean whatever it takes for the man to start writing...right?

So Peter's blog, Yousustain,  is about the thrills and spills of sustainable development.  It is a beautiful place where Peter chronicles his job and the exciting projects he is working on and the beautiful people he works with, and occasionally he may throw in little bits and pieces about our lives here stateside.

So don't wait any longer and head on over to his blog right NOW.  Ready, set, GO!!

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