November 10, 2011

Time Alone.

There is something beautiful about spending time alone isn't there?  Don't get me wrong - I love community and I love spending time with family and friends and my husband of course, but there is something beautiful about spending time alone.  Maybe that's because it doesn't happen all that often anymore?

But it has happened twice this week!  Can you believe it?  I truly can't.

The first time was on Saturday.  I woke up, started doing things around the house, laundry, cleaning, etc.  You know all those FUN things - all those things you are just DYING to do on a Saturday right??  Maybe for some that's the case, but certainly not for me.

So I decided I was going to take the bus downtown (alone) and spend the rest of my birthday money. At first I debated whether I should invite someone, and then I debated whether I should even go, I mean there was laundry and cleaning to be done.  And then I even went so far as to beg Peter to join me, but that only lasted a second.  Let's be honest - he would be miserable and the idea of spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon in downtown Seattle SHOPPING is not his idea of a perfect day.

And I get that because I am not a huge shopper.  So the fact that I even spent part of my day bouncing from shop to shop, perusing racks, and trying on clothes sounds a little miserable to me too.  But then you combine all that with an adventurous bus ride, time to myself, birthday money to spend, a beautiful Fall day, Eggnog lattes, newly purchased items, and a few interesting conversations - and now we are talking!

Isn't it just so pretty?

OH - it was all so good.  I need to do that more often!

And then the second time alone was last night.  Peter kindly informed me upon arriving home that some of his friends were getting together for drinks at some bar.  And I took the opportunity to encourage him to go alone - yes alone, without me.  Normally I would accompany him for things like this, but I had just taken a shower, and I was really looking forward to some lounging time tonight.

Was it a little selfish?  Maybe, but I think it's good for us to do things on our own every now and again.
And I think Peter would agree.  So off he went.  I kissed him goodbye, put on my comfy clothes, made a cup of tea, caught up on the latest in the news, finished my book, and just truly treasured the silence.

Sounds real exciting huh?  The truth is exciting!  I think it is so easy to get all wrapped up in your marriage that sometimes you lose sight of who you are - and what it is that you loved doing before you were married.  I mean you could say this about a lot of things.  Sometimes we fill our lives with so much clutter and so many social events, which can be good - social events are GOOD.. community is GOOD, but sometimes it can just be too much.  And sometimes you get so caught up in it all that you lose sight of who you are.  And sometimes you just need to get on a bus and have an adventure.

So here's to beautiful Fall days, bus rides, Seattle, interesting conversations, and time alone to truly treasure God's creation.

Side note: While downtown a kind, Turkish man gave me his email address and told me to pass it along to my beautiful, single friends!  So holler at me if you're interested :)

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