December 15, 2011

Christmas Cookies

So yes, the Christmas season is upon us, which means time for Christmasy sugar cookies right?  I made a batch of cookies Sunday morning (Betty Crocker style) so they would be all ready to roll and bake in the afternoon.

The dough.

Some of the cookies.

And ready to decorate for my evening visitors!  Sunday dinner was at our house this past Sunday, and in order to eat, they had to decorate a few cookies.  Just kidding - it wasn't a requirement for food, but it was encouraged and they were all extremely willing.  So of course, I took full advantage of them and their lovely skills.   

Decorated by yours truly.

Decorated by Peter.

Decorated by my sister.

And this little blurry beauty was my brothers creation.

It sure is fun to see the creativity that goes into these edible treats!  And they sure were a hit at my office Christmas party tonight, especially amongst the kids.  I left the house with a full plate and came home with just the top of a Christmas tree.  I suppose the empty plate speaks for itself, and I guess I could even say they were a success.  I mean who can turn down a Christmas tree that is just lathered with frosting and sprinkled with all sorts of sprinkly goodness.   

Merry Christmas everyone - now go make some sugar cookies and gather a team together for the decorating process!  Always seems to go faster that way - you know what they say many hands make light work.

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