January 10, 2012

Christmas Presents...

...From the in-laws.

How practical they both are!  We received a vacuum, a bird feeder, and a bird bath, and we put all three items to use this past weekend.

The Vacuum.

The vacuum is a funny one simply because I asked for one ages ago, and completely forgot about it, and then I saw this GIANT box under the tree. And of course, I couldn't help but look to see who it was for, and guess what it was for me.  At first I thought it might be a sewing machine because I asked for one of those too, but was slightly hoping it wasn't.  I have all sorts of dreams to be crafty, but let's be honest, can I really train myself to be something that I'm just not?  Perhaps, but I can put that off a little longer because the gift wasn't a sewing machine, but a vacuum.

So we put that vacuum to use this past weekend, and IT IS AMAZING! A good vacuum makes all the difference. Simple pleasures right? So this is how we spent most of our weekend.

A Bird feeder and a Bird bath.

Our little birdies are going to love these items!  I am excited to see some bird action.  Peter put them together, and we placed them around the yard.  Now we just need to get some bird seed for our feeder!

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