February 27, 2012

It's the Little Things.

So I thought I would start my week off right by sharing about the little things that brightened up my life last week or maybe I should say this past weekend!

And as I was thinking about what to post - I realized I hadn't taken that many pictures this week!

My weekends consist of making and baking all sorts of edible goodies to get us through the week.  Don't get me wrong, I love making things but it can be so time consuming during the week after a LONG day of work.  So I have started a new tradition of making all sorts of things on the weekend to eat throughout the week, whether it's for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  And I must say - it's been one of the best things that's happened to our family and it's been really great for my sanity!

And here are a few of the items from this past week/weekend...Pancakes on Fat Tuesday!  The rest are items made over the weekend (chili, quiche, and seasoned pork in the crockpot - love that thing!)

Peter and I had the privilege of babysitting last week - and we just love this little munchkin!  Isn't she the cutest?  Look at those teeth!  We love babysitting, or maybe it's just me and I am really good at convincing Peter to come along?  Who knows!  But I do know that it is a beautiful way to get a glimpse of parenthood and it doesn't hurt to get a few lessons in diaper changing right?  And the beautiful bonfire on our new patio - came home to this on Thursday night - what a great way to spend time with the husband!  Gosh I love that man!

First time buying GIANT bottle of wine - had to document it with a picture of course!  I needed wine for a recipe and figured I should just buy the giant one since it was such a good deal ($8.99 at Fred Meyer, and the smaller one was $4.99 - you decide!) And the husband's homemade Oscar ballots - looks like I have alot of movies to watch!  Good thing I get them for free at the library!

Until next week...



Linking up with  Finding Beauty!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! We had chili too this weekend and it was good!! It really is the little things! :)


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