February 9, 2012

Power Outage.

Yesterday started off like any other day.  I woke up, got ready for work, packed my lunch, and I was out the door!  Arrived to work around 8, gathered together at 9 for prayer, and started my tasks for the day.

And everything was going according to my plan, until the power went out about 11:15.  There was a big WHOOSH and everything just shut down...computers turned off, lights went off, and everyone gathered.  It was rather perplexing, and turns out the power outage went far beyond the CRISTA campus.  

I twiddled my thumbs for a little bit - I mean what's a girl to do when the majority of her job involves her computer?  Well, talk to her coworkers of course!  It was a marvelous time really!

But it made me think?  So many of my daily tasks involve my computer - I use it for the Internet, for email, for printing documents, for getting contact information, for inputting data, etc.  You get the point right? Think about it!  What do your work duties entail?  How much of it involves technology, a computer, electricity!?? Probably alot of it right?  

Yesterday, I was reminded of this beautiful thing called electricity and the power (no pun intended) it has over my life.  Electricity plays a huge part in my daily life - but I can't help but wonder what my life would be like without it?  Would I spend more time in relationships and less time on the computer?  Would I spend more time reading and less time watching TV?  

Think...what would your life be like without electricity?  Crazy to think about right?

But the reality is...so many people live without it.  And HAVING electricity is crazy for them to think about!

Electricity is something I completely take for granted, and it made me think...what else do I take for granted?

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