February 16, 2012

Sunday School.

Peter and I have been looking to volunteer somewhere for awhile now, and a few weeks ago the need for Sunday School teachers was posted in the bulletin.  So what did Peter and I do?  We signed up for Sunday School of course. 

Our first Sunday was last week - and it was hilarious!  There were about 10 kids, all 2 years of age, most were great, but there was one who was a bit of a bully.  May God be with him and his parents!

We sang a few songs, played with some toys, read some books, ate some animal crackers, wiped some noses along with a few tears, and before we knew it our time was finished and we were handing them back to their parents.

It was slightly disorganized, but God works within that right?  And it was extremely amusing trying to entertain 10 two year olds for 1.5 hours!

If I am honest, it was slightly like glorified babysitting!  So if you are a mom and need some free time Sunday mornings - just drop the kids off at Sunday School - it's free, they get fed, and they may even leave with an art project!  This week they will be leaving with pink pom poms.  

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