February 4, 2015

A Day in the Life.

It was just an ordinary day. A day where my sleep was disturbed and my patience was tested, but a beautiful one nonetheless.

It began at 12:30 AM with Ryan crying. Changed his diaper, Peter sucked the snot out of his nose, and then it was time to eat.

Perused the Internet. Read some articles I'd been wanting to read. Scrolled through the latest status updates on Facebook. Put Ryan back in his bed at 1:00 AM. And I fell back to sleep.

Woke up at 3:45 AM to Ryan crying. Sucked the snot out of his nose and then it was time to eat.

Pulled out my book and a little flashlight to read a few pages in my book. Put Ryan back in his bed at 4:15 AM. And I fell back to sleep.

Woke up at 5:30 to Ryan crying. Couldn't figure out why he was crying. I had fed him just a few hours ago. He sounded congested. Sucked the snot out of his nose and fed him. Put him back in his bed at 6:00 AM. And I fell back to sleep.

Woke up to the sound of our door opening. It was 7:05 AM. Jack sauntered over to my side of the bed and was so smiley and happy and hungry.

And I went to pick him up and his pjs were wet. And he had peed through his disposable diaper, through his clothes and onto his bed sheet. Poor guy!

Changed his diaper and got him dressed and made him some eggs and bacon for breakfast.

And then Ryan started crying. Changed his diaper, sucked out the snot, got him dressed, and crawled back into bed to feed the little person.

Peter cleaned up Jack and his breakfast mess and left for work around 8:30 AM.

Ryan took a short nap and I fed Jack a snack. 

Eventually, I made myself a cup of coffee, got myself dressed and made myself some oatmeal for breakfast. Jack had a second breakfast - a bowl of oatmeal and he proceeded to eat some of mine as well. 

I packed the diaper bag full of diapers, clothes, snacks, cars and a book to take to the Dr's office as Ryan had an appointment at 10:50 AM.

Finally got both boys into the car and buckled into their car seats.

Parked the car. Strapped Ryan to my body and put the diaper bag on my back and grabbed Jack's little hand and we were off. 

Arrived to Dr's office a few minutes late. Jack was a dream just sitting in the little person chair while eating his snack or looking through his book or playing with his cars. He had a few restless moments, but nothing I couldn't handle. The nurse was so kind, and we finally got to see our normal pediatrician! Love her. She reminded me of the conversation we had at the hospital the day after Ryan was born. I had said something to her about how I didn't know what to do with a full term baby - I mean they were just going to let us take him home? She said she wanted to write me a perscription for a spa day and said she was in awe at the way I was handling this. I was silent. I never know what to say when people say stuff like that, but I wish I would have said God has given me peace about all of this and I'm just so thankful for a baby this is alive even if he isn't well. 

They weighed Ryan, checked his oxygen levels, and sent us on our way after 1.5 hours. Strapped Ryan to me, put the diaper bag on my bag, and grabbed Jack's hand. And walked to car. Buckled them both into their car seats and drove on home.

Got home. Grabbed the diaper bag, Ryan and Jack. Jack had fallen asleep in the car, and I attempted to transfer him, but he woke up. He peed through his pants, so I took his pants off and discovered he had a poopy diaper. Changed his diaper, put some new pants on him. And the nap time fight began. He finally fell asleep around 1 PM.

Meanwhile Ryan was crying. He was hungry. So I fed him. And he fell asleep around 1:30 PM.

I got myself something to eat, began an episode of the Bachelor, read a book, and wrote a little for a blog post.

Jack woke up around 2:45/3 PM - this was a really LONG nap. He normally naps for 1.5 hours or sometimes just an hour. Fed Jack a snack. Started a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and started thinking about dinner.

Jack played with his cars. I fed Ryan again, watched a bit more of the Bachelor, and started making dinner.

Around 5:30 PM Peter came home, Ryan woke up from another nap. I fed Ryan and put Peter in charge of the dinner in the oven. He played with Jack, we ate dinner, gave Jack a bath, got both boys ready for bed, cleaned up dishes, started another load of laundry.

And somewhere in there, I fed Ryan and rocked him to sleep while I sang Jesus loves You. Then Jack came into the room and wanted me to rock him and sing to him and he requested his blankie. Rocked that sweet boy and ran my hands through his hair as his cheek brushed mine. And I just thought, this is the life.

Brought Jack into his room, tucked him under his covers, patted his back, and left the room. And before I knew it Jack was at his door, crying for us. Peter went into his room, patted his back and left the room. And Jack wasn't too thrilled about that. So then I gave it a go and patted his back and sang him songs and left the room. And he was silent. Success!

And just when one fell asleep, the other one woke up. Peter rocked Ryan back to sleep. I took a shower. Finished the rest of the dishes and started folding some laundry!

And now it's 9:45 PM. And I'm hungry and exhausted. So I'll have a little snack and eventually crawl into bed, but only after I change Ryan's diaper, suck out his snot and feed him.

This is my life right now. And as tiring as it is sometimes, I really do love it!

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