November 3, 2008

Wedding Dress.

I know...i has been AGES since Peter and I have written on here, and the first time I get a moment I post loads of posts! BUT i figured this one was kind of important? I found a wedding happened about a month ago now, or even longer perhaps? It was a Monday morning, and Sarah and I were sitting out on our porch drinking our morning coffee...and I turned to her and said "Gosh I really should start trying on wedding dress, and really get this party started"(to be honest, I wasn't all that excited about trying on dresses because I was just nervous i was never going to find the RIGHT one that was within the price range.) So Sarah said she was free that night and I looked online to schedule appointments at some places only to discover that the majority of bridal shops arnt even open on mondays!!...really?? BUT...don't worry there was one...La Belle Elaine..a beautiful shop near the Seattle Center actually. So we made an appointment for that night, and Sarah and I left early just in case we couldn't find it...and sat in the car for a bit talking about dresses and my past experiences trying them on and what i wanted and marriage...and all that fun stuff...=) and before going into the shop we actually prayed about our time at La belle Elaine. So in we go, and the people were wonderful!!! Our girl Tanida was soo wonderful and it was such a lovely experience...we picked out loads of dresses...and tried them on in my own little room. Tanida walked me through all the dresses...told me about each of them...what the material was, how it was different from a previous one...asked me what i liked about it and what i didnt like about it, which was really helpful actually.

And then the last dress I tried on was the truly was. I loved everything about is made out of a raw silk material and looks a little organic, and it has a bit of a sweatheart top and a train and I will have a sash with it....and its everything I wanted in one dress. What more could a girl want? Well then I asked the price, and I must say it was out of the price I told her I was going to have to consult with my mom before I made any decisions...and THEN she looked at the tag again was like..."wait it says its discontinued, so let me check if that means the dress is discontinued or if we just arn't carrying it anymore in the shop". so they checked and it was THE LAST ONE!!!...and it was 40% off...are you kidding me?? i had to step outside and talk it over with sarah and call my mom..(please do keep in mind i am NOT an impulsive person AT ALL...and im rather indecisive so lets see...when i saw it..tried it on..loved was something i was soo sure of and how can you turn down a deal right?) Gillian (peters mom) said it was a wedding gift from beautiful is that? I must say though..i did have to pay 130 to clean it...but it was such an amazing deal...the designer is sally crew?...which means NOTHING to me...but maybe something to someone else. fun, can't believe my wedding dress search has come to an end so quickly!

check out the website...

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