August 2, 2009

Honoring God...

So let's just say that these past few weeks, months, etc have been stressful. I keep saying to's NOT suppose to be like this is it? It is not suppose to be a time full of frustrations, tears, and STRESS...its suppose to be a joyful time. A time when you are reminded of your deep love for each other, a time when you are reminded as to WHY you are marrying this person. This past week I have been reminded of the Lords faithfulness in our lives. I have been reminded of my deep love for Peter and how with God and our love for Him we can get through anything together!! I hope and pray that Peter and I can honor God through the way we love each other and other people. I hope and pray that God is honored through the wedding ceremony, the reception and the planning ....through the way we spend our money and through the way we speak to each other. This is my prayer....AND i can't wait to marry Peter!!

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