April 5, 2010

Into Africa.

Dear Family and Friends.

I hope that you are all doing so very well! Peter and I have some big news to share with you, and I have been granted the privilege of sharing it. And for all of you out there who are giddy with excitement in thinking that I’m pregnant, you can dash that hope right now. As I type this letter, I can’t help but reflect on the past five years that have led me to this place. And I want to share some of it with you before we get to the BIG news! I just recently read an old blog entry that I wrote nearly 2 years ago about my unexplainable longing for a certain continent, and I wanted to share it with you.

The entry, written on August 18, 2008 goes like this – “I often ask myself how it is possible to yearn for somewhere you have never been? I get overly emotional every single time I hear people’s stories about this place and every time I see pictures, and I truly cannot explain it. This longing has been a part of me for so long, and quite frankly, I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t there. Why do I even have this desire in my heart? I have countless, unanswered questions that at times I go crazy with frustration! However, the one answer I do have is sufficient, and I know that this desire in my heart is from the Lord. And in His timing I will experience this place, this place they call Africa.”

So the BIG news! Well folks the waiting is officially over. The time has now come for my longing to be fulfilled. The time has now come for me to set foot on African soil, and Peter and I will be spending the month of May working with Children of the Nations in the beautiful, far away countries of Uganda and Malawi. Considering Peter is the liaison for these countries, we felt it was essential to start off our African sojourn there. Once we are there, Peter plans to meet with Children of the Nations staff, assess the various programs along with the future site of the Malawi secondary school, while I plan to assist and support him through it all. Our hope is that this trip will allow us to better articulate the work of Children of the Nations as well as demonstrate the impact of your support.

The journey to this place has been a long one, and after much prayer, many conversations with God, and careful consideration, we are confident the time is right. We would not be going if the call from the Lord wasn’t so loud and the tugging on our hearts so tremendous. However, it is and so we are going with confidence, faith and hope. Our confidence, faith and hope come not only from God but also from the knowledge that you are supporting us in so many ways, shapes and forms. With all this in mind, we ask that you take the time to consider partnering with us financially in this endeavor. The amount that we are striving towards is $7,500, which covers our flights and in country expenses. However, please do keep in mind that your partnership and investment not only touches our lives but it also touches the lives of the children and their families by bringing them one step closer to clean water, thriving farms, clean, reliable energy and micro loans.

Please consider supporting us prayerfully and/or financially. We would love for you to journey through this adventure with us as partners. We look forward to sharing stories of hope, transformation and God’s faithfulness. Thank you in advance for all your support and prayers. Also, if you would like more information about Children of the Nations, the work Peter does, or our trip plans please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many Blessings,

Peter and Malia Drennan

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