April 5, 2010


Sarah and Nick got married this past weekend!!!! What a beautiful wedding it was, but before I get to that and show off pictures of the most beautiful bride I have ever laid eyes on, I wanted to share some photos from the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner at IVARS.

I must say i absolutely LOVE weddings and all the beautiful celebrations that go along with it. Now i don't remember loving weddings as much as I do now until I got engaged myself. My engagement changed my view of things and altered the way I looked at weddings. I was now attending weddings as a future bride to be, and by future, I mean the date was SET. It wasn't something I was just dreaming would happen someday. It was actually a reality. Plus, I love brides...all of them, well at least the ones I have known.

I was a bride once and I fully understand the tension, the stress, the excitement. I know what it feels like to have thousands, or what seems like thousands, of people ask you countless questions that you more than likely do not know the answer to. I also know what it feels like to have your favorite people in one room, celebrating you and your husband and sharing wonderful things about you! It is simply wonderful, humbling and truly overwhelming. SO Sarah and Nick had their rehearsal dinner Thursday, April 1, at Ivars and we were blessed by their love and laughter. I feel soo honored to have been a part of their celebration. Marriage is a gift from God, and that is something I never ever want to forget.

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