May 1, 2010


So according to the countdown on the sidebar there...we leave for Africa in a matter of hours, not days, but hours! Its a little too late and Peter is already in bed, probably been asleep for an hour or so, but I wanted to stay up a little later when in reality I should be in bed. I am tired. Really tired, and I wouldn't admit that to Peter ever!

Ran around all day today like a mad woman. Can't remember the last time I ran so many errands. One of the absolute highlights of my day though was dress shopping with my dearest friend Alicia who is getting married in October! It was soo fun to sit down on the couch, while she came out in gown after gown looking so beautiful. How's a girl to choose when so many look amazing on her!! I also got to spend a little bit of time with my other dear friend Laura who just got back from traveling all around South america for MONTHS, and gosh it was soo good to see her. I had to say goodbye to my dear friend Bekah who I wont see till August 4th, gosh I think that's the date...I kept getting it wrong today.

So our bags are packed, last minute things purchased, apartment tidied, just need to go to bed and wake up so that it will be even closer. To be honest though I am a little scared...I have been acting all strange today, really emotional, maybe that's not soo strange, but still. And during one of my moments Peter just came over and hugged me and I just started crying and just confessed to him that I was scared. I have wanted to go to this place for soo long and I am just scared....and feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty creep up. I start to wonder why I am even going, what good will I actually do? And in the shower tonight I just thought...BE STILL and know that HE is God...just be still. Calm down, slow down, and rest in the fact that God has brought you to this place and He will not leave you...such amazing thoughts, and I think I should go to bed with those thoughts dancing around in my head.

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