June 15, 2010

My Insights While on African Soil...

1.I love road trips and car rides probably because I have my greatest thoughts while in the car.
2.I love old people
3.I love working with women
4.I love kids, but teenagers are tough for me
5.I need to start volunteering somewhere
6.I hate goodbyes and I have a hard time fully investing in people when I know I will be leaving soon.
7.I love Uganda
8.A child’s smile lights up my world
9.I am thankful for my parents – thankful that they are alive and they were able to provide for me
10.Thus, I am thankful for my childhood
11.Gas is expensive
12.I don’t like papayas and I still don’t like fish
13.I love cassava – yum yum
14.I really love cheese and chocolate, and my mouth misses them when it doesn’t have them!
15.I love African sunsets
16.My dream has been fulfilled, but I am left wanting to see MORE countries, wanting to spend MORE time in Uganda and other places
17.I use A LOT of water in ONE day
18.I am obsessed with checking my email
19.I love clean feet and clean socks
20.I love to bake and it makes me sad when I am not able to do it
21.I love porcelain toilets that FLUSH!
22.I am a neat freak and everything has its place
23.I love the beach and sand
24.I love a cold beer, potato chips and popcorn
25.I love clean towels and clean sheets
26.I love seeing my husband with kids
27.I love spending a whole month with my husband, and I really miss him when he isn’t around
28.I have strange dreams in Africa
29.But even amidst the strangeness, God really does speak to me in my dreams
30.God is the same everywhere
31.Some people here think WE (either peter and I, or the West as a whole) can solve their problems with resources and money
32.the reality is we cannot
33.I love sponsorship programs and seeing the long term impact of sponsorship
34.BUT at the same time I wonder if sponsorship perpetuates the dependency cycle
35.I love learning new things and brainstorming with people
36.I am passionate about development projects
37.I dislike introducing myself because no one can say my name right
38.I slightly dislike translators, probably because I hate having to WAIT for them to translate what someone has said or what I have said
39.BUT I also love translators because they are my ears and my mouth and I wouldn’t be able to communicate without them
40.I miss my friends when I am away from them for so long and I really miss Bekah!
41.I don’t like missing birthdays
42.I love clouds
43.I love bright colors
44.I love trees and the color green, maybe because it reminds me of home? (Ireland and Washington)
45.I love hot water
46.I am not a huge fan of bucket showers
47.But I am a huge fan of my husband
48.Death is so very real in Africa.
49.Life is different in Africa
50.People are different in Africa
51.Peter’s job and his role at COTN is SUPER important and necessary in promoting change and sustainability in Africa
52.I learned that only through empowerment, education, self sustainability and development projects will the culture begin to change in Africa

I could go on and on and on about the countless ways I was enlightened in Africa, but I won’t do that. My goal was to get to 50…and as you can tell I have gone a bit beyond that!

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