July 27, 2010

Divine Appointments.

So we all have beautiful moments in our lives that we will never ever forget. These moments leave us with goosepumps and little shivers down your spine...perhaps silly imagery but you get the point! Some of these moments seem so beautifully orchestrated that the orchestration simply has to be Divine.

Well Peter and I had one of those moments a few weeks ago when we met up with the lovely Jenn Lindsey and the equally enjoyable Tyler Jones. Please keep in mind that neither of us had ever met Tyler and our last encounter with Jenn had been far too long ago that I couldn't even recall the specific moment. I DO recall Peter asking me why it was they were interested in meeting up with us and I simply replied by saying...well they want to hear about our time in Africa. And lets be honest, we always welcome an invitation to share our African insights and experience. So I jumped on board and informed Peter he had no other choice but to come along.

Needless to say...we had a truly delightful time, filled with much laughter and many ah ha moments! We had so many shared interests and passions and Peter somehow convinced Tyler to work for Children of the Nations. So not only did we have a wonderful time with these beautiful people, but Peter got a new coworker out of it! I walked away feeling as though it was a divine appointment and I was hoping and praying that this was simply the beginning of a beautiful friendship and a beautiful journey together!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! you're the sweetest, malia! we will smile at that divine appointment for the rest of our lives and are so glad to know you and peter... cheers to many more memories!


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