August 24, 2010

Special Encounters.

So every Sunday my siblings and I get together for Sunday dinners. This past Sunday wasn't much different than any of the others, but my brother shared a special story of a special encounter. An encounter that I was actually jealous of! And no he didn't meet a famous person or even catch a glimpse of one, but rather he met an ordinary woman named Sandra. I will try to do this story justice and truly put forth my best effort to capture my brothers amazing storytelling ability!

Me - QUEEN of asking questions.."so how was your sunday?..anything interesting happen?"
Bro- "well i picked up a homeless woman"
Me - "UMM...WHAT??" (LOADS more questions ensued)
Bro- "well she came up to me right after church and asked me if i would give her a ride over to the U district"
(he said he hesitated for a bit, but then said uhh..yeah sure! ALSO please keep in mind Brady attends a church in Ballard, and there were LOADS of people this woman could have asked...i absolutely LOVE that she asked him!! and i absolutely love that he said yes)

the conversation continues...

Bro - "she told me she would find me...and as I was ready to leave she was nowhere in sight...didn't quite know what to do, and then all of a sudden she comes running over to me. so she climbs into the truck and off we go to the U district.
ME - extremely jealous by now because this woman seemed interesting and i LOVE hearing people's stories..."bro tell me ALL about her...what was her name? her age? what's her long has she been homeless?"
Bro - "umm..her name was SAndra, she was probably in her 30s, but looked ALOT older than she really is with gray hair...she was asking me questions about myself, but didn't wait long enough to hear the answers or she couldn't remember the answer I gave her and asked me the exact same question a moment later..."


Sandra - so what do you do for a job?
Bro- I am a stockbroker
Sandra - can you take me to the Sacred heart church? So what do you do for a job?
Bro - I am a stockbroker

By this part of the story I am roaring with laughter because I know just HOW much my brother absolutely LOVES questions...(sarcasm noted) and I know just HOW much he loves when people don't listen to him and ask the SAME question more than once (sarcasm noted again)!! I truly wish I could have been a fly on that car wall.

ANYHOW an amazing conversation ensued with my siblings after brady told us this story. I realized that I absolutely have such a HUGE heart for homeless people and really anyone suffering with mental illnesses. I truly believe EVERY single person has a story and quite often people don't get the chance to tell their stories, nor do they have someone willing to listen. Brady kept asking the woman, Sandra, why she didn't have a job...why she wasn't employed. she said she had tried, but no one would hire her. Brady couldn't believe this and truly thought the woman was lying and simply not trying hard enough, while I found myself wanting to defend the woman and the countless injustices homeless people face.

My heart was beating faster, my palms were getting sweaty. I just said have no idea bro! none of us have any idea what it is like to be homeless! It would be sOO hard to get a job. I mean who is going to hire someone without a physical address? Who is going to hire someone that doesnt have regular access to a toilet or a shower? Who is going to hire someone that only has one outfit to their name? THINK ABOUT IT! How are we actually helping these people get a leg up? Is the system helping them? Is it individuals? Is the church helping them and the people within it? Reminded me of a book I read called Under the it!

Needless to say it was an interesting Sunday dinner and I am thankful for my brothers special Sandra encounter. so much of him was tested that day...his patience, his genorosity, his willingness to give of himself, but as Hebrews 13:2 says.."Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." who knows maybe Sandra was an Angel, and I am proud of my brother for rising to the cause when he could have easily turned her down and sent her off to a more willing participant. I love stories like these...

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