December 20, 2010

Recently Purchased Items.

What is it about going on holiday that makes you feel as if you can justify ALL those things that you buy for yourself? Peter and I have only been in Belfast a week and I have managed to buy more for myself within the last week than I have in the last month in Seattle. I find myself justifying it - "oh we are on holiday, and I'd love to bring some special items BACK to seattle with me who cares how much it costs."  Sound familiar?  Well maybe it doesn't...and fair enough if that's the case, but that's not the case with me!

So my purchases as of late...I have purchased a black scarf...a scarf that you could clearly get ANYWHERE, but that's just the point - I didn't get it just anywhere!  I purchased my black scarf from the Belfast Christmas Continental Market and now every time I wear this said scarf I will be reminded of our time in Belfast.  I have purchased a gigantic stocking, well 2 giant stockings to be exact, one of which was highlighted previously in another post, and we paid about $22 for the pair of them!   Probably a rip off, I know, but once again we are on holiday and who knows if we could find them for cheaper elsewhere - plus now every time I look at those stockings I will think of TKMAXX - where we bought them- and our 2010 Christmas in Belfast.

And lastly, my most beloved purchase so far...are my mittens!  I spotted these mittens on our first visit to the Christmas Market...however there was one problem, we didn't have any money on us.  So we got some money and went back another day only to be told by the man that they had only ONE pair left...I told him I was going to wander around and i'd be back - well during that time of wandering around the man SOLD his LAST pair of mittens.  How dare HE!  I was raging while he told me they would be getting more this weekend, which meant I had to wait something like THREE DAYS!  and it was silly I know, but it was COLD and I really wanted a NEW pair of we aren't just talking silly, thin gloves...we are talking fleeced lined, fingerless gloves with the covering for the fingers and the thumb!

So I was determined and due to the neverending snowfall our plans for the weekend fell through and Peter and I made another visit to the Christmas market - this would be our THIRD visit for those who have lost track.  And I went straight to the mans stall and bought myself my very own pair of mittens, which have now become a part of me, along with the boots Peter gave me as an early Christmas present, and I rarely take them off.  I read my kindle with them on...type with them on...make tea/coffee with them on...and of course go out in the snow with them on.  Needless to say I am excited for them to journey with me all the way back to Seattle.

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