December 19, 2010


Soo...I know most of us have had our Christmas stockings for years...ever since we were kids right?? Well whats a girl to do when she is celebrating Christmas in a different country and forgets her stocking at home? Peter and I figured we could both just use pillow cases or something, but it wouldn't be quite the same.

So yesterday, Peter and I spent a few hours finishing off some of our Christmas shopping. Well we were nearing the end of our trip ...and Peter was dragging his feet and had wandered off somewhere. So as I was doing my Peter search through the store, my eyes ran across the MOST amazing thing!! I was on a mission now to find Peter and when I did find the man he insisted he was DONE...D-O-N-E...DONE. He was tired and his feet were sore which is never a good combination! But I insisted I had ONE thing I wanted to show him...just one. So I take him over to this clearance rack full of gigantic stockings ...and his face instantly lit up. He knows exactly what I have in mind. So of course we plan to purchase one...but then think can we really just purchase one? I mean we are both in need of stockings, but we could make do with just one between the two of us. But that wouldn't be nearly as fun right? Plus I want one with snowmen and Peter wants the one with Santa - so we make the final decision to purchase TWO! TWo huge stockings that no one can EVER fill...but man did we laugh about it! and I figured that I could just pull the stockings out anytime one of us needs a good laugh.

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