January 16, 2011

Open Doors.

As some of you may know by now - I LOVE READING! I love the feeling of a book in my hands and I love becoming engrossed in a story. Quite often when reading I find little bits and bobs that I want to highlight or write down so that I can come back to it later, reflect on it and write about it some more.

When reading the book, Let the Great World Spin - I had one of these moments, but it wasn't an actual book with paper pages that I held in my hand, but rather a fancy, schmancy Kindle and I couldn't just take a pencil to the pages and underline things. Instead, I was left to maneuver the latest in technology in order to figure out how to highlight something in this electronic book. Great - figured it out! But then the next challenge was HOW do I get back to that bit that I highlighted? Was I going to have to go through the entire book to find it? Nope, I sure wasn't because this fancy, schmancy thing has a way you can view all of your highlighted bits.

Anyhow, within this book and within a certain chapter on a certain page - one of the characters describes another character as being a person full of open doors.  A person full of open doors...doesn't that sound nice?  I read it and instantly thought now THIS is a sentence worth highlighting.  I want to be a person full of open doors.  But what does it mean really to be a person full of open doors?? Someone who accepts everyone? Someone who is nonjudgemental? Someone who loves easily? Sounds good to me…but what else?

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