February 6, 2011

The Age when Phones were Smart.

So Peter made the leap to a phone that is smart all on his own while i stood beside him with my ancient flip phone.  He checked out all his options - phone size, phone type, data plans, etc. and landed upon the Droid Incredible.  And let me tell you - he thinks that this thing is pretty incredible!  I mean the phone even says its own name when he turns it on…some robotic man says "Droid!"
Anyhow - I was a little hesitant about the whole thing simply because I know that the phone plans for these phones that are smart tend to cost more.  But my husband insisted that it all evens out because we recently switched our car insurance from Progressive to Geico and are saving ourselves some big money on car insurance!  So we had some extra money to spare.  The reality is…he is right (I will write about the insurance switch in another post!).  

So why not make the switch to a phone that is smart?  I mean we don't have internet in our apartment - and the droid would provide us the ability to check our email, update our Facebook status, get directions from point A to point B, check the bus schedule, etc, etc.  The phone made its debut into our lives on Monday, and let me tell you that thing has been extremely handy!  We now can check our email without having to walk our booties to our community room.  We have used it for directions like 10 times already!  Makes me kind of wonder how we survived without it!  

But I must say one of the worst things about the phone is that my via this phone my husband has been introduced to the game Angry Birds!!  Oh my goodness…I heard about this game ages ago via friends and someone even showed it to me.  I cast it aside as such a silly game, one full of little birdies, pigs and slingshots -  until last night when I found my own husband focusing so intently on his phone.  At first I thought he was simply checking his email or something until the phone started to make weird noises - like little karate chops or something.  I instantly asked, "are you playing angry birds?? or something??" and he chuckled to himself…"yeah i am? how did you know?  how do you even know about that game"  

Well my husband has already lost countless hours of his life to this game, and I can only imagine how many hours will be lost in the future.  At least he admits he has an addiction… right??  I mean the guy is not in denial about it and if he was don't you think he would start wearing headphones so i couldn't hear the noises coming out of the phone?  But then again I suppose even the headphones might give it away?

I wonder how long it will be before he gets sick of that game.  And the reality is…maybe he won't, but I sure hope it's sooner rather than later.  Or maybe I just wish he would share that darn phone so I could have a go at his addiction, and then maybe i could understand what all the hype was about.  Well Angry Birds…could you be nice and give me my husband back??


  1. This post made me laugh and I had to read it aloud to Ryan, as he has the same addiction to Angry Birds! We both have the ancient flip phones too, but everyone in my family has smart phones, so whenever we hang out with them Ryan steals someone's phone just so he can spend hours playing Angry Birds. So frustrating! He gets so absorbed in that game that there's no use trying to talk to him. Our phones are due for an upgrade, so I'm a little nervous that he's going to want his own smart phone and then I'll lose my husband just like you've lost Peter to the game. Maybe there should be a support group for the wives of Angy Bird addicts??

  2. Angry birds is addicting, but the worst is when a little icon pops up telling you how many hours has been spent flinging birds at pigs. It's embarrassing, shameful yet at the same time a little underlying feeling of pride seeps through that you've beaten a high score. Addicting!


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