February 16, 2011

Financial Services for the Poor.

Okay so I want you to imagine some things for a moment.  Imagine that you don't have a savings account, let alone a credit card or any other bank cards for that matter.  Imagine you don't even have checks, or even a bank account for that matter.  Imagine not having access whatsoever to a banking system.  Imagine then that you use cash to pay for anything and everything.  Imagine making just a few dollars a day, and then imaigne how precoius those few dollars would be to you.  Imagine where you would store them?  Imagine where you might put them to keep them safe?

Now imagine this truly is your reality becuase for SOO many people THIS is their reality.  They do not have access to a banking system or services such as deposits, withdrawals, transfers, etc, and they certainly don't have access to credit cards, which just might be a good thing!

Safe Places to Save.

See how new technologies are offering life-changing access to financial services for the poor.

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