February 3, 2011


ALERT - I wrote this post awhile ago, and decided I would repost it simply because it has been AGES since I have experienced this.  And it makes me wonder whatever happened to that guy - so here's to you   Mr. Guy and I hope and pray you have found a better place to lay your head during these cold, winter nights.

So you would think that I would be use to finding people sleeping in the doorway of my place of work...but it just so happens I am not, and I will probably never get use to that image. 

So one morning this past week...I arrived at work to find someone sleeping on the hard cement outside the entrance to the salon.  I, of course, panicked and felt glued to my seat...but I knew I would have to face the magic. So after a brief conversation with the guy up above...I stepped out into the real world.

I approached the object which I am sure was a human being, but the blanket was covering every inch of him...was it even a man? So I rubbed his back and said...excuse me sir you are going to have to move on here. My heart was racing, but more importantly it was truly aching for this being...this being that was sleeping on the hard cement, this being who didn't have a roof over their head, this being who was being roused out of their sleep because of ME. He quickly mumbled something and i walked around him and opened the door to my place of work...ran to the back room to try to find something decent for him to munch on and fumbled through my bag for something from my lunch. Ran back outside just in time to catch him and said ...would you like something to drink...i mean eat...and he said yeah sure, and i placed it in his hand.

I wanted to give this man everything...I wanted him to come inside and get warm. I wanted to offer him a comfy place to sit and a warm drink. i wanted to let him wash himself in the bathroom ...or even offer to wash his clothes (okay that might have been strange, but still you get the point!!) But i couldnt...all I could send this man away with was some food and a smile. Was that enough? Could i have done more? Should I have done more? I just said out loud...maybe screamed it...okay God I get it...I GET IT! I get that i have a heart for people...I get that I have the desire to help people...I get it, but where do i go from here?

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