February 12, 2011


So one of my coworkers told me this statistic that rocked my world.  Are you ready for it??  

Toddlers laugh 400 times a day and adults laugh 15 times a day.

We decided that toddlers referred to children under the age of 3 and that even the slightest chuckle constituted as a laugh.  But as soon as I heard this I ran home to Peter (well not literally) and declared that I absolutely MUST laugh more than 15 times a day right??  I mean that's NOTHING!  I can't imagine I laugh anywhere near 400 times a day, but still more than 15? - I sure hope so!  I sure hope I defy the 15 laugh mark for adults.  I mean I laugh pretty easily and I live with someone who is pretty funny - so i suppose I am pretty blessed in the laughing department and don't really have too many cards against me.  I mean just hearing Peter's laugh makes me laugh ..well hearing anyone laugh makes me laugh for that matter.

So Peter, of course, thought it would be a brilliant idea to count how many times we laugh each day just to see where we fall on the average line.  I must say I stopped keeping track after about 5 because I just couldn't be bothered.  But I am sure it is more than 15!  

However, now that Peter is gone I think my laughter count has diminished a little.  Don't get me wrong - I am and will always be one who is quick to laugh, but I just don't laugh as much without him around!    Probably because he is my entertainment and when he isn't around I don't have anyone to entertain me.  Oh the beautiful things I take for granted!  

So tell me how many times do you think you laugh each day?  Do you fall closer to the adult category or the toddler one?? 

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